Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Where is TOBI positioned inside EU projects?

On TOBI's it is mentioned that the project is part of BNCI FP7 cluster. A further inspection into what this means exactly directs us to CORDIS, the European Commission's primary public repository and portal to disseminate information on all EU-funded research projects and their results in the broadest sense.
Here, one can see the current researches funded by EU such as Horizon 2020 or the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7).  The latter of these ones puts together all research-related EU initiatives and shares the same purpose as all other European groups mentioned in the previous post: European prosperity, growth, competitiveness and strengthen the technological base of European industry. The program has a total budget of over 50 billions EUR, with a substantial growth in this area, compared to his predecessor FP6 ( almost 50% according to their website). According to the presentation slides of FP7 these funds were distributed as shown in the picture below:

As you can see there are various areas where research projects exist (prices are in million EUR).

TOBI is positioned in Subprogramme ICT-2007.7.2 ( Information and Communication Technologies) and its purpose is to develop practical technology for brain-computer interaction. Under contract type we can see written "Collaborative project (generic)". This already give us an idea about the type of organization, contouring the idea of a consortium. In future posts we will have a closer look at the participants on this project and the way they are organized. At this point other interesting aspect related to the project is the total budget which accordingly to their website is close to 12 million EUR, of which the EU contribution is close to 9 million. The project ran between November 2008 - January 2013 and now it is marked as completed.

At the beginning of this post it has been mentioned that the project is part of BNCI cluster. This acronym stands for brain/neuronal communication interface. Other projects that are part of this cluster and that involve some of the TOBI partners are:
  • Future BNCI
There are also other projects in the BNCI cluster that have less or no connection to TOBI. A full list of projects in BNCI FP7 can be found here.

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